A new vanity, or sink and vanity, may make a significant impact on your bathroom, and it is a very inexpensive investment. When it comes to upgrading a bathroom vanity, there are several alternatives available, ranging from open storage to a simple pedestal sink. Depending on the road you choose and the type of vanity you want to install, there are specific common recommendations and objects to consider that you will most likely find helpful along your makeover trip.
If you’re going from a pedestal sink to a vanity, you won’t have to worry about this, but if you’re going the other way, you’ll probably have to figure out how to hide the plumbing in the wall. You should probably contact a plumber for this since, well, they are the specialists.
Residual Water
So you’re ready to go; all of your stuff has arrived and have been sitting in your living room for a few weeks. You’re all set to go, but have you thought about the minor details, such as shutting off the water? And if you have, make sure you have a bucket or something similar prepared for when you disassemble any piping because there will typically be some water hanging around in the pipelines.
Vanity Elimination
Before attempting to remove the present unit, cut through any caulking that may be in place to keep it in place.
Organizing Plumbing
While selecting a new vanity, you should always examine your present plumbing problem. If your plumbing is located outside the wall, check sure the drawers or storage on your vanity are appropriate for the configuration. If the plumbing is already within the wall, you won’t have to deal with the same concerns, but it’s something to consider before you buy.
The Faucet
A lot of bathrooms are pretty small and tight on space, so here’s a tip to save you and your assistants a lot of time and frustration: when installing a new vanity, install the faucet first, so you don’t have to try to wiggle your way around after the new vanity is done.
Level it Out
Before you really tie this item to the wall, make sure it’s level. If it is not level, use wooden shims beneath the unit to level it. If you have several cabinets or units, you may screw them together to ensure that if one is equal and level, they are all.
Locate the Studs
Before you connect anything to the wall, ensure sure you’ve located the studs. This may be accomplished by utilizing a stud finder and then marking it on the wall before installing it.
Remove the Doors
Remove any doors or drawers the unit may have when installing your vanity. Doing so ensures that any possible harm during installation is avoided since they move around and may fall out.
Measure, Measure, Measure
Always take measurements before making a purchase. If your new vanity is more prominent than your old one, make sure you have enough space for it to fit properly. If it is smaller, ensure the freshly disclosed region is well-painted and there is no water or moisture damage.
Allow for Growth
Pipes may expand and contract with heat and moisture; thus, it is strongly advised that when cutting the holes in your vanity to allow for the pipes, you cut the holes approximately a quarter inch more significant than what your pipes are to allow for this, just in case.
Utilize your personal style and aesthetic choices to drive your vanity design. This will help you construct a piece that fits into your house’s overall decor and flows effortlessly into your lifestyle requirements.